The Client

A cross-sector, co-founded global initiative for climate change

Results that Matter

A global team needed a better way to collaboratively develop strategy, data-sharing, and tracking towards measurable progress for coalition members towards their climate change goals. We delivered a process design that enabled an engineering team to prioritize their work and effectively enable Salesforce as a way of aligning multiple individual and organizational goals and pathways. We surfaced key value proposition statements for each stakeholder in the process and ensured their unique needs were represented in an efficient, clear, and easy to engage in organizational and technical process.

How We Did It

We conducted qualitative research with stakeholders to better understand the human experiences at the center of the processes we would design and optimize. This ensured that our trade-off decisions, process optimizations, taxonomy, and technical information design would best serve the individuals who would participate in the process, across organizational, geographic, and company boundaries. We defined a common taxonomy for the multiple stages, statuses, next steps, and activities that coalition members would travel through as part of their mission as well as touchpoints and events that the coalition organizing team would take. We designed and delivered comprehensive process models and process maps that enabled high-quality, strategic decision-making — all ready for scale.
