Learn techniques to elicit meaningful information and surface underlying assumptions. These skills apply to conducting user research, running user tests, gathering and defining requirements, and leading and participating in effective meetings. Great listeners are willing to put their own agendas aside, move outside of their own expertise, and challenge assumptions and biases with care.


  • 4 hours

In this course you will:

  • Understand how to add customer interaction to your development process

  • Learn and leverage techniques for crafting effective interview and research plans

  • Gain practical experience with different interviewing methods

  • Experience all 4 stages of a research cycle - preparing, conducting, analyzing, and communicating

This course is ideal for:

Managers, product managers, marketers, and anyone who collects and articulates information in their work. These techniques can be used for better understanding customers or stakeholders, defining user stories, gathering requirements, and creating a common language across a team. This workshop is for anyone who wants to better integrate customer insights and/or stakeholder perspectives into their product development cycle.